Can Restylane vital migrate?

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Question: Can Restylane vital migrate?

2 months ago I had restylane vital on my face.

I'm 28 years old and the result is awful. The worst part is that it has made my under eyelids swollen.

Can it migrate? Or is it immune system reaction.

Answers (5)

Dr Anna Hemming

Thames Skin Clinic

15th April 2021

Answer: Good Morning Nino,

Thank you for your enquiry.

We would suggest that you go back to your original injector for a review so they are able to assess your concern.

Without seeing any pictures or knowing the background it is very difficult to answer your question.

It is possible for any filler to migrate - this will depend on the product, injection technique or the way your body accepts the solution.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call the practice but again, we would suggest going back to your treating practitioner.

Many thanks,

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Director and manager Tracy Shepherd Regan

Indulgence Skin Laser and Beauty Clinic

15th April 2021

Answer: It is possible for dermal filler to migrate and if it has ended up under your eyes, because it is Hydrophillic (attracts water) it could cause puffiness. If it was done two months ago (during lockdown?) and these effects have not resolved you may need to ask your practitioner to dissolve it for you with Hyalase. Ask them to see you for a review initially. Hope this helps.

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Registered Nurse Mary White

Outline Skincare Clinic

15th April 2021

Answer: I'm sorry but we arent in a position to comment on another clinic's work.

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Click Here to see more questions and answers about Restylane ® Skinboosters (Vital & Vital Light).