Restylane ® Skinboosters (Vital & Vital Light) Questions

Ask A Question About Restylane ® Skinboosters (Vital & Vital Light)

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Nino nino

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14th April 2021

Can Restylane vital migrate?

2 months ago I had restylane vital on my face.

I'm 28 years old and the result is awful. The worst part is that it has made my under eyelids swollen.

Can it migrate? Or is it immune system reaction.

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Nino nino

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8th June 2021

Bumps after Restylane Skinboosters

I am 28 years old . 3 months ago I had restyline vital skin booster. After then some places on forehead and nearvthe mouth stayed bumps. They are swelling sometimes. Will they metabolize naturally or need hyaluronidase. How long need it to disappear naturally?

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