Re Treatment for Platysmal Bands

Asked: 27th November 2023 By: Ghzala

Re Treatment for Platysmal Bands

Hi, About 6 months agoI had Botox (allergen) brand 100 iu for platysmal bands..sadly even after a top up I didnt notice any difference.

More recently..about 3 weeks ago..another practitioner used Botolux (at over 100iu and ensured she placed these frequently and deeply where needed) however even following a top up there has been no reduction in the prominence of the bands and they are still just as 'unrelaxed' and noticeable.

I am a 55 year old female and now have a thin neck with no extra flesh..however my lines werent so bad in first place but i wanted to halt them as i can see deep bands developing.

Why havent these treatments worked and is there a better/stronger toxin which may be more suitable?

I have had same treatments for forehead lines and products have worked effectively there so i doubt I've got/built up immunity to these products.

Any ideas/advice would be much appreciated.


6 Answers

Reply: 29th November 2023 From: Cosmetic Skin Care

Nurse Lucy Cooper

Answer: Hi Yasmin

We are happy to assess you in our clinic if you would like to make an appointment.

Kind regards
Dr Jo Mcinerney
The Skyn Gym/Cosmetic Skin Care

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Reply: 28th November 2023 From: TD Aesthetics

Owner Tawa Dowling

Answer: Hello,

Thank you for your question about botox treatment for platysmal bands. Botox can be used to relax these bands, reducing the lines caused by muscle tension. However some patients can have laxity in their skin caused by collagen depletion and dehydration. These patients may also benefit from treatment with skin boosters to improve the skin quality and resilience, as well as botox treatment to relax the muscle tension. Skin boosters such as Profhilo can hydrate the skin and boost production of collagen, helping to support the skin, and improve elasticity. Profhilo is recommended as a course of 2 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart, and results can take around 6 to 8 weeks to appear. It may be helpful, therefore, to have Profhilo treatment then around 4 weeks later have a second treatment and botox to the neck. Results should then be visible 6 weeks later, for both the botox and Profhilo.

If you'd like to book a consultation to discuss this further, please visit my profile page on Consulting room (TD Aesthetics).

Warm regards

Nurse Tawa

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Reply: 28th November 2023 From: DRVICTORIA Clinic

Dr Victoria Dobbie

Answer: Hello Yasmin

Great results are about placement of the toxin by great injectors, who understand facial anatomy.

Only Dentists, Doctors and Nurses cover anatomy, pharmacology and physiology in depth over their 4-6 year degree course. Also the only injectors supported by and allowed to inject these prescription medications by the companies that make toxins.

Botolax does not have a licence in the UK, no licensed medical professional would use an unlicensed medicine when they can legitimately purchase very effective products from legitimate suppliers.

So it's the who you are going to for your treatments?

Kind regards
Dr Victoria

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Reply: 28th November 2023 From: RejuvaMed Health and Wellness

Medical Director & Doctor Dr Grant McKeating

Answer: Good morning Yasmin.

Many thanks for your enquiry with RejuvaMed Health & Wellness. To gain a full picture of your concerns and any recommendations, I would advise you arrange a consultation with our Medical Director, Dr Grant. Within this face-to-face consultation, Dr Grant will be able to analyse your profile and concerns and make recommendations on which treatment(s) would be best suited for the most effective outcome.
Consultations with Dr Grant are subject to the fee of £50, which is taken upfront at the point of booking as a deposit. This £50 can be used as part payment of any treatment/product purchase over £100 within 3 months of your consultation date. If this is something you would like to proceed with, please do let me know.
Kind regards,

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Reply: 28th November 2023 From: Finesse Skin Clinic

Sarah Newey

Answer: Hi Yasmin,

It’s difficult to comment without a consultation to see your concern. If you’re referring to the vertical lines then I would expect any of the botulinum toxins to work nicely. Most people have around 4-5 of them and you would add maybe 10-20 units per band so their plan all sounds reasonable. I wouldn’t expect you to have resistance in one area only but maybe the depth wasn’t correct for the treatment. Increasing the dose is likely to lead to unfortunate side effects like difficulty getting out of bed!! and raising your head. I hope this has been of some benefit and if I can help you further at finesse skin clinic then do let me know.

Sarah Newey
Pharmacist and prescriber
GPhC registered
Fully insured

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