Richard Gibbons

Boost My Customers

Who Are We?

If you’re reading this, there is a high chance that you’re a clinic/salon owner who is fed up of traditional marketing methods. You need a proven system to finally generate clients on autopilot for your business. A system where you can actually track the complete client journey on your advertising (from cold traffic to buying your most expensive packages). 

This is where we come in! 

I’m Richard Gibbons, Founder of Boost My Customers. I started this company with a vision to help as many Clinics make an impact in their local community. Everything we do is aimed at helping clinic owners get the freedom and income they want through something they love (treating clients). The way we happen to achieve this is through the ‘Aesthetic Client Engine’. This is our bespoke system that will bring you new clients on auto-pilot! Your business can’t grow if you don’t have people to talk to… and those machines you’ve got sitting around won’t sell themselves! 

We qualify, attract and generate bookings for your clinic to ensure you never have to worry about where your next client will come from (that’s our job!).

Having worked with 50+ clinics, we’ve seen the incredible impact that our marketing can create. We’ve worked with clinics on the verge of closing and helped them turn their business around and become fully booked in just 45 days! The Aesthetic Client Engine also works if you’re brand new or have 25+ years experience…

What Makes Us Different?

We ONLY work alongside Aesthetic Clinics (and salons) which means we know the struggles you face on a daily basis!  

Times have changed. We are currently living in a time where clinics are struggling to fill up their bookings and pay off their expensive machinery. 24/7 access to discount sites such as Groupon have left most clinics exhausted and looking for a way out.

The 1% of clinic owners though know how to use it to their advantage. As more clients are turning to the internet, guess where they’re marketing?

Couple that with an automated system to qualify leads for you and our team to do the rest… you now have a client converting machine! 

Makes sense, right?

To get in touch with Richard please call 07954 749 325


Five Steps for Facebook Success


Five Steps for Facebook Success

Richard Gibbons, founder of Facebook advertising agency Boost My Customers, shares his five-step process to grow your clinic using Facebook advertising.
