
With 27+ years of experience and 21 US FDA-clearances, Erchonia are world leaders in science based medical-grade Laser technology for aesthetics clinics, physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, podiatrists and many other health and wellness professionals. Erchonia’s range of non-thermal Laser Therapy devices are used in many areas, including fat loss/body sculpting, skin accelerated healing, promoting clear nail growth and more.

Our 21 US FDA market clearances all come from gold standard level one (510K) clinical research, which means it is randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled (using LED as the placebo, as it’s a non-coherent light) and multicentre. We spend around $1 million on every one of these studies we conduct to provide our customers and their patients with the reassurance that the technology performs how we say it performs.

Erchonia Longevity Workshop


Erchonia Longevity Workshop

Join Dr Erik Reis for this one-day workshop where he will delve into therapeutic potential, particularly in fostering brain health and healthy ageing.

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