Dr Timothy C. Flynn

Dr Timothy Flynn is a Consultant Dermatologist in North Carolina, USA. He is recognised as a superb teacher, greatly in demand on a national and international basis. He has undertaken numerous clinical studies in the field of medical aesthetics and is active in multiple dermatologic societies.

Dr. Flynn was born and raised in Columbia, Missouri. He received his undergraduate and medical diplomas from the University of Missouri - Columbia. Dr. Flynn completed his internal medicine residency at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, and his dermatology residency at Stanford University where he was Chief Resident.

Dr. Flynn is acknowledged as an expert in skin cancer and dermatologic surgery and is currently serving as secretary of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.  He is also a medical adviser to Consulting Room.

132 Gauge Needles Are No Better Than 30 Gauge for Botox


132 Gauge Needles Are No Better Than 30 Gauge for Botox

Would the use of a thinner 32-gauge needle for a cosmetic botulinum toxin injection hurt less than the standard 30-gauge needle?

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