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Latest Fat ( Love Handles, Saddle Bags, Muffin Tops ) Video

BBL and Moxi at The Nimmo Clinic Video

Are you wanting to achieve younger looking more radiant skin? Do you suffer from age spots, sun damage, pigmentation or melasma? Are you ready to reverse the signs of ageing? If you are ready to tackle any of these skin concerns, or if you’re in the market for pre-juvenation treatments, we are delighted to be introducing BBL Hero and Moxi treatments to our Cobham clinic in Surrey. BBL (or broadband light) Hero is an advanced type of IPL, and Moxi provides gentle yet effective non-ablative laser treatment. Here at The Nimmo Clinic in Cobham we understand our patients desire to have clinically and scientifically proven technologies that can help them achieve healthy, glowing skin and we work hard to find the latest innovations so that we can help you achieve the skin of your dreams.

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Clinic Details:

The Nimmo Clinic

32 Anyards Road, Cobham, KT11 2LA