Does Liposuction Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease?

Danielle Lowe
By Danielle Lowe

Danielle Lowe is the Marketing Manager for, the UK’s largest aesthetic information website. 

Here at the Consulting Room we present facts and information about all aspects of aesthetic surgery and are often asked to debunk common myths surrounding plastic surgery and treatments. 

One such myth is that undergoing Liposuction to remove a large amount of excess fat is a quick fix to prevent heart disease and high cholesterol. Many people perceive this myth to be true as excess weight is one of the factors of heart disease so it seems counterintuitive to say that removing the fat won’t lower the risk – weight loss , whether from diet and exercise or liposuction, is all the same, isn’t it?  

No - this is simply not true. 

Not all fat is created equal and whilst liposuction targets the outer layer of fat (subcutaneous), it is the deeper layer (visceral) that settles around organs and leads to higher cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Therefore there is no quick fix. 

Below, diet and health expert Millie Bruce debunks other common myths about heart disease.

Does Liposuction reduce the risk of heart disease

Presenting the Latest Common Myths In Heart Disease.... The Earth's No. 1 Killer

For women and men of any age, cardiovascular disease is the primary killer. It kills more people than ALL types of cancer put together. If you're black or over sixty-five, your risk of heart disease is higher, but it is an equal opportunity destroyer. Everyone, at any place, anytime could have a cardiac arrest [1].


Myth #1: Exclusively older adults need to worry about their cardiovascular system.

What will generate a heart attack accumulates over time. To be a couch-potato, boredom eating and never doing exercises are very undesirable habits that could possibly begin in childhood. A greater number of docs are starting to see patients with heart attacks in their twenty's and 30's in place of victims usually in their 50's and sixty's.

Being fit and at the proper weight is not going to make you immune to heart attacks. Though, both exercising regularly and having a good bodyweight does help. You'll still have to look at your bad cholesterol and blood pressure levels. A really good cholesterol (or lipid profile) quantity is less than two hundred. A good blood pressure is 120/80.


Myth #2: I'd feel ill if I had high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.

They name these, “silent killers” mainly because they demonstrate NO signs or symptoms. One third of all older individuals have hypertension. Of those, one-third can't say for sure they've got it.

High-cholesterol is a measure of the fats carried through your blood stream. Fats can be dropped anywhere in your entire body, but sometimes congregate all around internal organs - as well as your heart. This propensity may run in family members. So, even if you're at a good weight and don't smoke cigarettes, have your cholesterol and blood pressure checked regularly. Once may not be sufficient [2].


Myth #3: Both women and men DON'T experience the same signs.

Males and females CAN have those same symptoms, but they generally will not. Ladies are more likely to get the subtler indicators and symptoms though men more frequently experience the kind of cardiac arrest you watch in the movie films. But, either gender CAN have any symptoms.

These subtler indicators and symptoms, as well as jaw achiness, nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath and significant low energy, are likely to get described away. “My jaw hurt mainly because my lunch sandwich was on whole-grain bread and I needed to chew very hard,” or , while clutching their stomach, “I shouldn't have had that additional piece of pizza.” “Half of women don't have chest pain at all,” announces Kathy Magliato, a heart surgeon at California's St. John's Health Center. Put all the little signs or symptoms together with each other and pay attention to your physique.

Certainly, both women and men might experience the “grab-your-chest-and-fall-down-gasping” kind of attack, but now you already know, that isn't the only way.


Myth #4: Assuming that my blood sugar level is in check, being diabetic is just not a heart risk.

Although having your blood sugar level with a normal range (80ml-120ml) keeps you healthier, just having the added blood sugar in your body takes its toll on arterial blood vessels. You'll need to exercise and eat healthier to help control your type 2 diabetes, bear in mind to measure your blood pressure level and cholesterol, too.


Myth #5: My health practitioner would order tests if I were vulnerable to cardiovascular disease.

Frequently, most of us overlook to inform the doctor the little aches we feel. The physicians, without knowing some of the things we think as unimportant, could pass over heart exams.

“Mammograms and Colonoscopies are regularly prescribed,” says Merdod Ghafouri, a cardiologist at Inova Fairfax Clinic in the state of Virginia, [3] “and are required, but heart tests aren't often executed.” A heart scan can recognize plaque build-up in the arterial blood vessels even before you realize you have a problem.

Do you have the oil pressure and transmission fluid inspected in your car or truck?

Have other precautionary maintenance done?

Doesn’t your only heart deserve to have as much interest as your auto?


Links to Complementary Guides about Heart Disease:

- [1] Family Doctor by American Academy of Family Physicians features trusted wellbeing details and tools for patients. They have a high-quality post covering">bad cholesterol and arteries

- [2] Mediterranean Recipes is a free blog managed by Trisha that explains her cooking interest to help men and women learn how to make healthy foods to prevent heart problems

- [3] Life Extension is a worldwide authority on eating habits, health and wellness and also a supplier of scientific information about heart disease therapies. They cover a different component of heart health by correlating"

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together some Liposuction and weight loss FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the Liposuction and weight loss questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited Liposuction and weight loss clinics in your area.

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