Question: How many times in a row?
Hello! I just did a treatment with Princess filler and the beautician injected the filler all over the face. Now I have this kind of pimples everywhere. She said they will be absorbed in 2-3 days. Now reading the information on your site i am not sure this is true. Besides she said I need to do 5 treatments. Once per week. I am 50 and not very many rides. I am now really worried of what my face will look like. Can you please recommend me what to do? And how often this should be done?
Vivienne Middleton on 31st May 2022
maybe you can help me to, have posted a question on your website.
the practioner has treated me well for many years. but this filler has caused nasty trauma to my skin. pustules in that area and
broken capillaries. Used princess gold. Denies the filler is the problem, but the trauma is over that precise area, can you help. best wished Vivienne
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