LipoContrast ®

Product Summary

LipoContrast Machine

LipoContrast® from the Spanish company CLINIPRO (distributed in the UK by Cryosthetics Ltd) is a revolutionary thermal shock treatment for the reduction of fat.

It works by a process called thermal contrast lipolysis which uses a combination of hot and cold temperatures to target fat cells.

The makers claim that approximately 10% more fat cells are destroyed in a LipoContrast treatment compared to typical cryolysis (cryolipolysis), or fat freezing procedures.

It is a non-invasive treatment that doesn`t affect the surrounding tissues. Significant results are seen around 20 days after treatment.


How Does It Work?

LipoContrast works via an innovative, new technology called thermal contrast lipolysis. LipoContrast Animation
Fat cells are packed with saturated fatty acids, which are vulnerable to temperature changes. The fat cells are subjected to a sequence of hot-cold-hot exposure during treatment, and this thermal shock causes disruption of the cells, leading to crystallisation, and eventual fat cell destruction. Some of these targeted cells will be disabled almost immediately, with permanent metabolism of the damaged and dead fat cells occurring over the following 2-3 weeks.


Licence Status

LipoContrast is European CE mark certified.


Should Be Used By

LipoContrast should only ever be used by fully trained and certified medical professionals and aestheticians. Your practitioner should be able to produce the necessary certifications, and be able to address any of your concerns during your consultation.


What Is It Used To Treat?

It can be used to treat small areas of stubborn or excess fat, (including fibrous fat), on many different areas of the body, including the abdomen, flanks, upper and lower back, love handles, buttocks, thighs, knees, arms, and double chin. The wide range of treatment areas for LipoContrast is thanks to multiple different sizes of treatment applicators that are suitable for different sized areas.

LipoContrast Treatment Area 

How Long Does It Last?

The number of fat cells we have does not increase with weight gain, it is the fat cells themselves that grow. Once a fat cell is destroyed and metabolised by the body, it does not grow back. Therefore, the results of LipoContrast should be permanent, providing a healthy diet and exercise is maintained and further weight gain is avoided.

Side Effects & Risks

As a non-invasive procedure, the risks associated with LipoContrast are considered minimal.

There may be some discomfort at the start of the procedure, but this eases quickly.

Additionally, expect to experience some reddening, bruising, swelling and numbness in the treatment area. This should fade after a few hours or up to a day. There is no real downtime required, allowing you to return to your normal activities if you feel comfortable.


Not To Be Used In

The LipoContrast method has been specifically designed for localised areas of excess fat, making the treatment not suitable for obese or very thin patients.

Additionally, breast feeding and pregnant women, should avoid this type of treatment until after that stage of their life.

If you are unsure, always consult with your GP before undergoing treatment, to be sure that you are a suitable candidate and have no health risks.


Treatment Regime

Each treatment session lasts around 60 minutes and consists of the fat tissue being positioned into a specially designed transducer. The treatment area is cleaned and covered with a conductive gel. The applicator head is placed on the area, and the thermal shock treatment will commence. The tissue is treated with a triple thermal shock of heat, cold and heat again, applied for a specific duration, temperature and energy, using sophisticated automated software. The skin is warmed to around 41°C for approximately 10 minutes to "Liquefy" the fat cells. The area is then cooled to 3°C for 40 minutes to induce cell death. Finally, the area is warmed again to optimise the treatment. All thermal shocks occur with suction, to keep the fat tissue in contact with the applicator, all the time.

The initial sensation may be uncomfortable, but that will ease after a few minutes, and the rest of the procedure should be without discomfort.

Depending on the thickness of the fat tissue and the desired results, 1 to 3 treatment sessions are recommended, with a break of 4 weeks between each one.


Cost of Treatments

Prices will vary between clinics, and depend on the number and size of the treatment areas. Costs for LipoContrast start from approximately £190 for 1 area, up to around £550 for 4 areas. Package discounts are often available for multiple sessions.


Clinical Results

After the first session, and according to the manufacturers, it is not unusual for there to be up to 30% reduction of the excess fat in the treated areas. Significant results happen quite quickly, with approximately 80% of the final results visible 20 days after treatment.

LipoContrast Before and After Male 
Before and after one treatment of LipoContrast

 Before and After LipoContrast Female
 Before and after one treatment of LipoContrast

(Images courtesy of Cryosthetics Ltd)
(Photographs are real patients, your results may differ.)

Clinical Papers

Pinto H, Melamed G.
Contrast lipocryolysis: Pre- and post-session tempering improves clinical results.
Adipocyte. 2014 Jul 1;3(3):212-4.

Pinto, H., Ricart-Jane, D., Pardina, E. (2014)
Pre and Post Lipocryolysis Thermic Conditioning Enhances Rat Adipocyte Destruction.
Cryo Letters 35(2): 154-60

Pinto HR, Garcia-Cruz E, Melamed GE.
A study to evaluate the action of lipocryolysis.
Cryo Letters. 2012 May-Jun;33(3):177-81.

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