Dermal Fillers, Lip Fillers - Hyaluronic Acid Injections Information Reviews

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Carole Fishlock

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10th July 2006

I have been having facial treatments with a range of hyaluronic acid and collagen based dermal fillers for 5 years now.
I tried the new filler Teosyal, back in January after hearing about it from my friend, who had also tried the new filler. The treatment was superb! Little redness and swelling was experienced, and overall the treatment left me happier than I have been with other fillers.

5 star rating




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30th June 2007

I had nose to mouth fillers this week!.. a little painful when the needle goes in! but well worth it! I am in my late 20''s with premature aging thanks to sunbeds and smoking! This treatment looks and feels as tho it has taken 3/4 years off of me! Very happy with the results!

4 star rating



Diane Halliwell

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19th November 2008

I had Restylane in my naso-labial lines a week ago, and am very happy with the results. No noticeable redness or swelling, minimal discomfort. I look a lot better but it''s not obvious why! I went to a practitioner who was recommended by a friend who''d had fillers and looks great, I think the result depends more on the skill of the practitioner than the brand of filler. I hope it lasts a long time, but I won''t hesitate to return for regular top-ups.

5 star rating



jane smith
In Nottingham

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5th January 2013

Since having Juvederm injected into my cheeks I have only experienced swelling and pain. Even now six month later and having had Hyaluronidase to get rid of it I am still experiencing pain

1 star rating

Not Recommended 

Not Recommended

Venetia Benek
In City of London

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10th January 2014

I had sculptra 3 years ago and I have to say I am very happy with the result.I have done it in Southampton in Dr Xavier''s clinic.I have had 2 vials ,which was too much for me ,I found out this later when the filler started working.The result was amazing.With me sculpta started working in 6 months time, I did''t do proper massages on my face.Now 3 years later I am planning to do it again.By the way I have tried Radiesse ,please dont waist your money for that.The result is immediate but will not last even 3 month from my experience.Hope this will help someone that hesitates what filler to choose .Best wishes.

5 star rating



Shaila Sheikh
In Milton Keynes

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3rd December 2011

It was definitely very uncomfortable for me as I suffer from needle phobia,but well worth it in the end.I am very happy with the treatment,though it was a bit sore for a couple of days but soon it was back to looking young and beautiful ,will definitely go back for the forehead lines now.

3 star rating



JANE Winston

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7th April 2011

Looked 10 years younger immediately, regained confidence. Felt amazing. Hardly felt a thing, well worth every penny.

5 star rating



kelly tahan
In barnsley

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31st January 2012

i had filler in my lips and then 2 weeks after big lumps formed and they were very painful i went back to the lady who did the treatment and she did another injection now they are worse than befor and no one in my area will touch them i would advice anyone to do your research first and know the risk

1 star rating

Not Recommended 

Not Recommended

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