Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics is conveniently located in London.
Here you can find out which treatments and products Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics offers and which conditions their qualified staff can treat.
Got a question? We have several ways for you to contact Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics.
Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics is part of the Wimbledon Clinic LTD group, a pioneering well-being clinic where we have dedicated over 30 years towards naturally vitalizing the body from the inside, now we are making sure you look good and feel great from inside and out.
We came across many skin concerns in our Wimbledon Clinic and many frustrated people having trouble finding the right treatment to remove unwanted hallmarks of age or hormone changes. To answer to those questions, Wimbledon Clinic set up Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics in 2013 to provide treatments that had been tried, tested and worked.
Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics initially started offering a breakthrough hair removal treatment called Soprano. Now using the latest; medical technology we produce effects; that range from anti-aging, acne treatment, cellulite reduction, mole removal, mesotherapy and Soprano painless laser hair removal.
One of our friendly advisors will contact you to answer any questions you have about Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics.
The use of chemical peels to soften and improve the appearance of skin dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Today, scientists have identified numerous forms of acid which can be used to treat skin.[Read More]
Many different types of Laser and IPL, or LHE devices have been developed to remove body hair to a significant degree. This section contains more info on treatment cost, side effects and UK clinics.[Read More]
Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Light Heat Energy (LHE) and Light Emitting Diode (LED)technologies have been developed to treat a variety of skin problems including sun damage effects and wrinkles.[Read More]
Laser and light technologies have been developed to treat people with a variety of different skin problems including pigmented (skin colour, birthmark) and vascular (vein) problems.[Read More]
Mesotherapy is a medical technique used for the treatment of cosmetic conditions, including skin rejuvenation and improvement, hair regrowth, localised fat reduction and as a treatment for cellulite.[Read More]
RF energy is able to penetrate deep into the skin causing tissue tightening, heating of fat cells and increased blood circulation for body contouring, fat and cellulite reduction treatments.[Read More]
CryoPen uses extreme cold, or cryotherapy, to painlessly remove superficial lesions on the skin, such as skin tags, scars and hyperpigmentation. It comes in three models CryoPen B, CryoPen M and CryoPen X.[Read More]
Exilis® Elite uses a combination of monopolar radio frequency (RF) energy, ultrasound to stimulate fat lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells) and collagen remodelling (for skin tightening), alongside skin cooking, helping to contour the body and face. [Read More]
The Soprano ICE is the latest hair removal laser system from Alma Lasers utilising the latest in Super Hair Removal for permanent hair reduction.[Read More]
The term `body contouring` refers to a range of procedures that encompass size and weight reduction, as well as re-shaping of certain areas of the body, in some cases following massive weight loss where excess skin is a problem. [Read More]
Cellulite is the name given to the lumpy, irregular fat deposits often found around the hips, buttocks and upper leg areas. There are many different treatments that have been claimed to reduce the appearance of cellulite.[Read More]
Commonly concerns are focussed on changes in the skin and ones complexion that occur as we age. Skin specialists now believe that most of the changes that we see in our skin as we grow older are due to the sun (sometimes referred to as "photodamage"). [Read More]
Permanent hair removal has only been clinically proven and demonstrated for methods using electrolysis. Several lasers and light based machines have demonstrated permanent hair reduction and are allowed to make this claim.[Read More]
Wimbledon Clinic Aesthetics, 1-2 St Andrews Close, London, SW19 8NJ