Botox/Anti wrinkle injections at Persona are a clinically proven, highly effective treatment for lines and wrinkles, brow lifting, and excessive sweating. Botox will smooth away frown and forehead lines, diminish crow’s feet and lift the eyebrows as well as toning the jaw line area. Botox is a simple and straightforward procedure for a younger, fresher look. Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing targeted facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to form and skin to sag and droop.
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Mon: 10am - 17.30
Tue: 10am - 19.30
Wed: 10am - 17.30
Thu: 10am - 19.30
Fri: 10am - 17.30
Sat: 09.30 - 17.00
Sun: closed - Closed