Why Do Men Get Acne?

Dr Sam Robson
By Dr Sam Robson

Dr Sam Robson is a highly respected and experienced practitioner who qualified as a GP in 1997 and has been practising aesthetic medicine since 2004.

What Causes Acne in Men?

Men: If you’re dealing with acne as an adult, you’re not alone. 

From puberty onwards, acne is very common. It is estimated that more than 80% of teenagers experience it to some degree, with a peak incidence at the age of 15. Slightly more teenage boys than girls get acne, and severe acne is also a bit more common in boys.

There is better news for men after the age of 20 since their rates fall more rapidly than they do among women, but even into their 40s, more than 10% of men report problems with acne.

In both sexes, acne has become even more common in western societies over the last 30 years. It is thought that this may relate to the obesity epidemic. Young people with higher body mass indexes are more prone to acne, and insulin resistance triggered by eating diets high in processed carbohydrates may be the causal link.

The timing of the onset of acne in adolescence makes clear the link to hormones, and sex hormones have significant and direct effects on the skin.

The fact that the incidence of acne falls more quickly with advancing age in men than in women is almost certainly due to hormonal differences.

The male hormone environment is pretty stable and constant in comparison with women, whose hormones fluctuate with their menstrual cycle which can contribute to flare-ups in the condition.

Best treatment for acne

Teenage girls are a bit more likely to suffer adverse psychological effects from acne, but boys suffer a lot as well, with high rates of low self-esteem, social isolation, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

How safe are acne treatments

Although the rates of acne are similar in young women and in young men, women are about three times more likely to be referred to a specialist for treatment.

While this may in part reflect an increased psychological and/or social impact on women, it almost certainly reflects men’s disinclination to seek help.

Just as men may dislike seeking assistance by asking directions when they are lost, men are less likely to seek help in effective skin management when they need it more.

Options include clinically effective skincare and skin treatments that address all the underlying factors that contribute to acne: 

  • Blocked pores
  • Excess oil and sebum, 
  • Bacterial infection
  • Inflammation

A simple but effective skincare routine combined with LED light therapy has been proven to be very effective.

With acne being a chronic condition that can dramatically improve with good skin management, it is a great pity to not explore the options.

If anything, treatments are even more effective in men, since hormonal fluctuations do not unduly complicate the picture. Modern treatments are effective, so modern men with acne should be taking action and seeking out these treatments.

If you are seeking a clinic, it is a good idea to look for a clinic that has been accredited as an ARAUK centre (Acne and Rosacea Association UK). This means they have been recognised as having the expertise to successfully treat problem skin. 

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together Acne, LED acne light treatmentskincare products and Rosacea, FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the Acne, LED acne light treatmentskincare products and Rosacea questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited Acne, LED acne light treatmentskincare products and Rosacea clinics in your area.

Many thanks to the author of this blog Dr Sam Robson who owns Temple Clinic.

Dr Sam Robson is a highly respected and experienced practitioner who qualified as a GP in 1997 and has been practising aesthetic medicine since 2004.

She has also become progressively aware of the increasing incidence of low morale and self-esteem 

The repertoire of treatments provided by the clinic aims to help address many problems.

Call Dr Sam Robson on 0122 486 9997 or visit www.templeclinic.co.uk.

Thanks to the author

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