Remove mosquito bites marks ?

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Question: Remove mosquito bites marks ?

Hi please l would like to know how much will be to remove on my right arm dark spots from mosquitos. I spoke with GP doctor and he saying only 2940 fractional laser hand piece will be effective.

Answers (1)

Senior Aesthetic Therapist Viktoria Wiener


23rd September 2021

Answer: Hi Juliana,

thank you for finding us via Consulting Room.

The only 2940 laser we have is the Pixel and it does not treat pigmentation unfortunately.
There might be something else we can do to improve the marks, but it is difficult to say without having seen the area. If you would like to come in for a consultation, we can advise you whether it's something we can treat or refer you to our plastic surgeon.

You can call us to book an appointment or book on our website.

Kind regards,
Nakedhealth Team

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