How much, on average, will these facial implants cost, UK?

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Question: How much, on average, will these facial implants cost, UK?

I have always been someone with little facial fat, and now that I have lost some more weight, still in the healthy weight bracket, my undereyes and nasolabial areas have sunken in.
I have thought of other options like filler and fat grafting but implants are what I want.
How much will undereye implants and nasolabial implants cost on average?
It doesn't have to be in London.

Answers (1)

Medical Director David Gateley


22nd February 2024

Answer: Hi DJ,

Please book in for a consultation with Mr Gateley, our medical director and plastic surgeon and he will be able to advise on treatments and costs.
You can book online via our website or call us.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,
Nakedhealth Team

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