Plastic Surgery West One

14 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 9LG

02070 Reveal Number

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Plastic Surgery West One is conveniently located in London.

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Our Philosophy and aim is to provide you with a highly professional, efficient and sensitive personal service based on clinical expertise, discretion and innovation. We intend to offer an experience that makes you feel comfortable, informed and protected. We will listen to your wishes carefully and help you to achieve realistic goals. We want you to be happy with the results of any procedure you have and will make every effort to minimise the associated risks, and to ensure your satisfaction. Your Consultation is the most significant step in the process of care for anyone contemplating surgery. The consultation will last as long as required, though usually 30-40 minutes, and will be with your Consultant Plastic Surgeon.This meeting allows you to explain your concerns and gives our surgeon the opportunity to examine and advise you of your options, associated risks and the results you can expect. Procedures are explained in detail using photographs, diagrams and literature for you to take away. Following the first meeting your consultant will write to you with a synopsis of what was discussed and any proposed procedures.This will also include a full estimate of any costs involved. If you have further questions, or would like to meet your consultant again before surgery, we would be delighted to make another appointment at no extra charge.

We have close professional affiliations with many other leading medical and non-medical specialists including Dermatologists, Breast Surgeons, Medical Oncologists, Dentists, Dieticians, Beauty Therapists and Make-Up, Image and Style Specialists. If you would like us to recommend or refer you to someone please ask. Your well being before and after surgery is very important to us. We endeavour to ensure you are fully prepared prior to surgery, but also want you to feel secure and supported after surgery. Your comprehensive aftercare and follow up is included in the costs of your surgery. Patients can be assured of 24 hour care from our Consultants and Nursing Team. We keep in close contact and encourage you to telephone our nurses if you are worried at any stage. Our Practice Nurse will visit you on the morning after surgery or will telephone you if your procedure has been as a day case, to ensure that everything is going to plan. We will see you routinely at 5 and 10 days after surgery, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and one year. You are welcome to see your consultant or our nurses at any other time between your routine follow ups. Approximately 2 weeks prior to surgery you will receive details of your admission to hospital and our Comfort Pack which includes Arnica for the prevention of bruising and swelling.

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Plastic Surgery West One Reviews

Here's what our clients have to say...

Olivia W ★★★★★

My breast augmentation surgery by Mr Ross I was lucky enough to get a personal recommendation to see Mr Ross by a former boss. Arranging the consultation was seamless with Karen and Roz being ever so helpful and working around not only Mr Ross’s schedule but my own too. Prior to seeing Mr Ross, I had seen over 6 different surgeons over the last 4 years to whom I never was happy, so I continued to look. At the first initial consultation in July 2019, I just knew Mr Ross was the surgeon for me. He is honestly such a delightful, honest man. As you can imagine getting plastic surgery with the heavy price tags, all the consultants I had seen previously were pushy and not really informative and honestly just wanted the money… That was not Mr Ross at all!!! He sat down with me and my partner in our first initial consultation and asked me what my I wanted and then explained all the pros and cons of having surgery if I were to go ahead. He then explained MY choice of how I wanted to implant to sit, what site to insert them in, what types of implants there are and so on. During the whole consultation, I was able to ask as many questions as I wanted and not being cut short due to only having a certain amount of time. After the consultation was over, he mentioned if I wished to go ahead with surgery that I should meet his nurse Christine who will help me choose a perfect implant size for me. I quickly followed up in a week or so time to see Christine who was a delight! She sat me down and explained that she would be looking after me post-operatively in the hospital as well as outpatient appointments following the surgery. Once the implant was picked, I was booked in to see Mr Ross for the final consultation prior to surgery which he discussed and confirmed my choices of implants. I also had a few silly questions as we all do which he answered too. This is when I knew Mr Ross was the surgeon for me. I had booked the surgery for Feb 2020 and was over the moon. His practice manager would get in contact with me closer to the time to confirm dates, times and all that jazz. I was unbelievably happy with the services at Mr Ross’s practice from his nurse Christine to his practice manager and PA (Roz and Karen). The day of surgery: We opted for the London Clinic to have the procedure undertaken. The surgery was done first thing in the morning which is a big tick! Seamlessly checked into the London Clinic who were fabulous from the start to end of my stay. I firstly had all the obs checked with the nurses and then met the anaesthetist (Dr Andrew Morley) who was amazing! As this was my first time under GA, I was very nervous, but he answered all my questions and reassured me. Shortly after that, I met Mr Ross and his assistant who would be undertaking the surgery. Once again, Mr Ross was reassuring as ever which calmed my nerves down. Shortly after, I was taken down to surgery and then I was awake and back in bed! This is where the care of the London Clinic staff was fantastic. I was up and moving around at least 2 hours after surgery and in no pain whatsoever… of course just a bit of discomfort. Later that day, Mr Ross returned to check up on me that evening which all looked well. One uncomfortable night down.. not for me but for my partner… I was ready to go home the next day. I was met by Christine, Mr Ross’ nurse who checked up on the wounds as well as Mr Ross’ assistant to give the go ahead for me to be discharged. Christine mentioned I would see her every week for a couple of weeks to change and check the dressing sites. I was in regular contact with Christine and Mr Ross’ office for the first couple of weeks to check how I was recovering. I have now reached my 3-month marker after surgery and I have had no issues whatsoever and personally, Mr Ross is an artist! I couldn’t be happier with the results and I really couldn’t thank him and his team enough for the ongoing supporting before, during and after surgery. I highly highly highly recommend Mr Ross and I have already recommended him to several friends and family who will keep him busy in the foreseeable future. A big thanks to Mr Ross and of course his dream team! KR, Olivia W & Danyal A

Simon ★☆☆☆☆

I went to see David Ross on the understanding that being a reconstructive comestic surgeon he would be good . For purely vanity reasons I wanted a more defined and bigger chest ( one I could not achieve despite my efforts going to the gym ) I approached him. In order to have MALE pectoral implants . ( I already had small pectoral implants in my chest. I found David Ross to be charming and very convincing that he knew what he was doing . I had also done the research and we discussed his intentions. Which I was comfortable with . Having undergone the proceedure previously some years earlier I knew what to expect. I booked and paid for my surgery he recommended putting a custom made implants over the ones already in situ and sewing the two together so they didnt slip I had already been through the procedure before with the smaller implants so I knew where the incisions would and should be. knew what to expect . I had also seen the original surgeon who was reluctant to re operate on my pectoral implants a second time as he believed it could introduce complications . So I foolishly sought advise elsewhere. In this instance David Ross.( my first big mistake ) David Ross told me he had performed the proceedure several times before. And despite me asking to see photo graphs of his work he was unable to show me .( my second big mistake ) Post -op. Things were a very different story First the incision that should have been made in the crease under my arm as to conceal it was actually a 6 vertical incision either side of my chest. In line with my arms . The so called custom made implants were not symmetrical. This resulted some weeks later a Permanent filler being injected into my right pectoral to try and balance the symmetry. (Approx 60-80 mls. The product has since been withdrawn from the market my Third mistake ) To cut a very long story short , I went to another surgeon. In the States to remove the implants and had the procedure repeated in Miami I then spent an additional £5000 in the U.K. having the filler removed as it had gone hard and was Painful ( to remove any permanent filler is highly specialised and difficult for any surgeon and costly for the patient ) invoking pre op CT scan . I instructed a solicitor to act on my behalf. As I had secured a full set of my medical records upon request. From David Ross.s private practice. The lawyer acting on my behalf who specialised in clinical negligence agreed. I had a case against him . The difficulty I had was that Male pectoral implants surgery is very specialised and none of the surgeons who perform this proceedure were prepared to become involved . So thAt resulted in a £3000 legal bill. Without. Any progress ( a very lucky escape for David Ross ) all of this fell just outside of the legal time frame where Uoon a patient. Is able to raise a claim against their surgeon for possible clinical. Negligence. If you feel you may have a case for a lawsuit you need to act swiftly as collating information and building a case is both very. Drawn out , time consuming and costly having done so I estimate I have spent in the region including legal fees somewhere in the region of £18000 in order to correct his poor work , despite having had scar revision I have two permanent scars where they should never have been . At the time David Ross. Confirmed the incisions would be under the arm . Having seen two of the top rated comestic surgeons in London. Both agreed David Ross.s Work was unacceptable. If you are considering. Surgery I strongly recommend you do your research and go on recommendation . I have since read David Ross w1 plastics ltd and being sued for another botched surgery . The base line. Think VERY seriously who you would trust to do your surgery

Plastic Surgery West One are rated an average of 4 out of 5 based on 3 reviews.
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Plastic Surgery West One Address

Plastic Surgery West One, 14 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 9LG

Plastic Surgery West One are accredited by:

Plastic Surgery West One Staff

Mr David Ross Photo

Mr David Ross

Mr Ross is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Guys, St Thomas' and Kings College Hospital, London. [More Info]

Isobel Hurll

Isobel Hurll has been working as an Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner with plastic surgeons and dermatologists since 1999. [More Info]

Roz McGinty

Nurse Independent / Supplementary Prescriber Roz McGinty has worked as a Nurse in the field of plastic surgery since 1995. [More Info]

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