Can the Sun Cause Premature Ageing of the Skin?

Clare McLoughlin
By Clare McLoughlin

Clare McLoughlin is an Independent Nurse Prescriber and advanced procedure aesthetic nurse and trainer with more than 16 years’ experience.

The answer, of course, is yes!

Wrinkles are inevitable.

As we age, there is an unavoidable deterioration in the quality of our skin.

And yet, We all know people who look much younger than their years. So how is it that they seem to be able to hold back time?

Over the course of the next blogs (read our guide to healthy eating and lines and wrinkles here), we are going to examine the factors that influence the ageing process including sun, genetics, diet and lifestyle so that you can separate fact from fiction and take control of things you can influence and stop worrying about the things you can’t!

Sun Damage

As we enjoy some late summer sun, we can all relate to the joy of lazy days in the garden but there is no getting away from the fact that.


If you’re in any doubt about that, take a look at this picture of a truck driver and the deterioration caused to the skin by the sun on one side of the face…

Photo courtesy of New England Journal of Medicine

Premature skin ageing from sunlight

So what should we do to minimise the damaging effects of the suns rays?

These tips won’t be new to you but sometimes we can all benefit from a reminder.

  1. Avoid the sun when it’s at its strongest. There is some science behind the old adage, “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun”!
  2. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face. These are all the rage so you have the added benefit of being able to make a bold fashion statement while fending off those pesky wrinkles.
  3. Use a good quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30. Not all sunscreens are created equal so make sure you select one that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Most people are unaware that the SPF rating only refers to UVB rays and there is a separate rating system for UVA. Whilst UVB rays are the ones that cause sunburn, the UVA rays penetrate more deeply and are responsible for the ageing effect of the sun. The UVA protection rating is indicated by a star system (1-5) or by UVA surrounded by a circle.
  4. Fake it! Fake tanning products have come on leaps and bounds in the last few years so you can now enjoy a glorious golden glow without any skin damage at all!
SPF for Wrinkles

Of course, hindsight is a wonderful thing so what do you do if you have already sustained some sun damage?

Visit a medically-led cosmetic clinic where they offer a wide range of products and treatments to counteract the signs of ageing, whatever the cause.

One particularly popular product at the moment is Profhilo, which is very effective at re-hydrating skin after too much sun exposure.

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together some Line and wrinkles, Sunscreen and Profhilo FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the Line and wrinkles, Sunscreen and Profhilo question feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited Line and wrinkles, Sunscreen and Profhilo clinics in your area.

Thanks to Clare McLoughlin who founded Appearance Based Medicine in 2004, driven by a desire to provide advanced facial rejuvenation solutions and aesthetic treatments to patients in Marlow, Buckinghamshire and the surrounding areas. 

People choose Appearance Based Medicine because of the top-quality and personable service that they receive, and always leave the clinic with a welcome boost to both their inner confidence and outer radiance. 

Check out how Clare can help you!

Thanks to the author

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